Mirchi 98.3 brings to you the epic romance, Tungabhadrar Teere! An immortal historical fiction by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay! Princess Bidyunmala and Princess Monikonkona are aboard a ship bound for the powerful South Indian kingdom, Vijaynagar. A royal marriage awaits! Bidyunmala is betrothed to King Debray. Suddenly they spot a young man drowning in the river. He is rescued by another crew member Balaram. Novel written by: Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay Radio Adaptation: Godhuli Sharma Cast and Crew: (Episode 01) Story read by: Mir Narrator and Raja Debray: Deep Bidyunmala: Ayantika Monikonkona: Avery Arjunbarma: Somak Balaram: Agni Rasaraj and Kurmodeb: Shankari Prasad Mitra Rokkhi and Shepai: Nirjhar and Richard Kompondeb: Sagnik Mahamantri Lakkhan: Anirban Dasi Pingala: Sree Other voices: Amartya, Atri, Souravi and Mohor Episode Direction: Richard, Somak and Agni Overall Direction: Indrani We are grateful to Smt. Sananda Chakravarti for her support. You were listening to the First Episode of Tungabhadra’r Teere on Mirchi 98.3! Its hot!